

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Day 42 - New After-school Club: The Devils’ Playlist (Music Journalism) - BHS English Department

The English Department has branched out further into the extracurricular offerings with the newest BHS after-school group, The Devils’ Playlist, a group for music lovers. Here’s a description from their webpage:
The Devils’ Playlist is a Burlington High School club for students who love music. We spend weekly meetings sharing and evaluating different styles of music, discussing music news, and creating content for our site. Our mission is to incite a passion for music and create a stronger creative community here at BHS, while participating in the developing cultural conversations about relevant topics and artists – both new and old. We are dedicated to highlighting the talent and ideas of BHS students and faculty, as well as supporting various forms of music education, exploration, and contribution.
Check them out! They have a great webpage, a Twitter Feeda Facebook page, and a page on Pinterest. In fact, you probably already know about this group. If you’d like to join, please see Mrs. Janovitz.
Also, the group is currently running a contest where if you tell them about a song that you like and explain why, you will be in the running for a $10 iTunes gift card, and your song will be played on the intercom system at BHS. Check out the rules for the THIS IS MY JAM contest, which runs through November 5.
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