

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 47 - Ms. De Sousa & Mrs. Dacey Present “iPads and the Foreign Language Classroom” - BHS Staff

Last month, BHS Spanish teachers, Ms. De Sousa and Mrs. Dacey, presented a four-hour workshop on “iPads and the Foreign Language classroom” at the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association’s annual conference.  Last year, they won “Best of MaFLA” and were invited to lead a workshop this year that focused on applications used in language classes that enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Check out this blog post created by Kevin Murphy, an instructional technology teacher at Frontier Regional High School in  Massachusetts.  Kevin attended Ms. De Sousa and Mrs. Dacey’s “iPad and the Foreign Language Classroom” presentation at the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association’s conference in October 2013.  His blog post explains the various applications that he learned at the presentation and how he implements them in his classes.
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