

Monday 9 December 2013

Day 66 - Thank You David Sakura...Christina Chang, BHS Art Department


...for educating our students and discussing with them the painful experience of the Japanese- American Internment Camps where you were interned as a six year old child.

My students were saddened, overwhelmed and deeply bothered by what they learned. Many students did not know about the internment camps or the large scope of the harm that was done to Japanese Americans.

I asked my students a few simple questions after the talk. Here are the questions and responses:
What did you learn from the talk?

 "I learned that Japanese Americans were taken from their homes, basically because they were suspected to be spies when there is no proof." Hannah, grade 9

"I learned how awful and unfair the treatment of the Japanese was and the bad conditions. Also, how Japanese were forced out of their homes and could only take what they could carry to the Internment camps." Shelia, grade 9

How do you feel about what happened to Japanese Americans?

"I feel really bad for what happened to Japanese Americans. They had to go through many hardships with restricted freedoms. They really should not be restricted like that. I wish this does not happen again." Paul, grade 12

"I feel bad, because they were being racist to them because there asian, so they assumed they were spies." Ama, grade 9

"I feel bad because it wasn't right to do that to them because they didn't do anything wrong, they can't control what ethnicity they are. " Emily, grade 10

Did you find the talk helpful? Why or Why not?

"Yes I think it was helpful because if that were to happen today, people could protest and stop it from happening" Hannah, grade 9

"Yes because I think its good to learn about history from someone who was there because you can see their feelings about what happened and see there perspective of it. " Emily, grade 10

"Yes, I think the talk was helpful. It is better to learn something when you hear from a person in real life. It sinks in. The powerpoint also made it easier to understand what was going on. He was a good speaker." Paul, grade 12

"Yes, so kids like me who have never heard of this can learn something new from American history"- Ama, grade 9


The Burlington Union wrote an article on David's talk as well. Thank you Chris Warren for the coverage.

The Students for Asian Cultural Awareness made a donation to the Friends of Mindoka Guard Tower Reconstruction Project in David's honor.


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