

Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 69 - AP Lit Classes Travel to MFA for Photo Exhibit - BHS English Department

This post originally appeared on the BHS English Dept. site

On Tuesday, Mrs. Janovitz’s AP Literature classes and Ms. Djordjevic’s photography students had the pleasure of viewing the She Who Tells a Story exhibit at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibit, which includes photographs from 12 female artists from Iran and the Arab world, provides viewers with a glimpse into the realities of the region. In their exploration of the exhibit, the students focused on parallel themes that were evident in both the photographs and the literature covered in class. Viewing the images through varied critical frames, students discussed the concept of identity in relation to gender, war, culture, place, perception, boundary, and inspiration. The exhibit does an amazing job of simultaneously creating a sense of shared experience across cultures and highlighting the richness in the often-misunderstood cultures reflected in the photographs. It was a great day!
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