

Friday 10 January 2014

Day 80 - Northeast Region Tour - Aimee Warford, Memorial School Fourth Grade

We are well into our tour of the Northeast Region. Students have explored the geography of the Northeast and the population of the Northeast through a Geography Challenge. So far on our train tour, we have visited:

- West Quoddy Head, Maine
- Mount Washington, New Hampshire
- Plymouth, MA
- Boston, MA
- The Erie Canal in NY

Yesterday, we visited Hershey, Pennsylvania where we learned how Milton Hershey used a process called mass production to produce chocolate. Did you know that the Hershey bar was the first mass produce chocolate bar? Today, the Hershey factory is the biggest chocolate factory in the world!

Students worked in teams of three, imagining that they worked the assembly line at the Hershey factory in the early 1900's. One student was the wrapper cutter, one student was the candy place, and one students was the candy wrapper.

Quinn was Milton Hershey himself, managing the assembly line, inspecting the chocolates, and keeping his workers working :)


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