

Thursday 29 May 2014

Day 163 - New Class Book On The Rainforest - Mrs. Farmer's Class, Francis Wyman Elementary

We have been working for weeks on our Non-fiction Informative book on a favorite rainforest animal. 

Much reading, writing, revision and editing went into the creation of this book.

  1. First we created a R.A.N. chart with our partners:  We wrote down facts on stickies that we thought we already knew about our rainforest animal and placed them under the heading "What I Think I Know."  After researching, we moved our stickies to either the heading "Yes!  I Was Right!"or "I Don't Think This Anymore."   We also had a heading entitled "New Learnings" in which we added facts that we learned through our research.  

2.  Then we used books, videos and websites to research information on our animal.  We recorded facts into our Rainforest Research Book, breaking our information into such categories as: What our animal looks like; What it eats; Where it lives; and Other Amazing Facts

3.  We wrote a rough draft, using paper and pencil.

4.  We revised and edited our writing with our teacher.

5.  We used the BookCreator app to illustrate and type our words.  We even added an Illustrated Table of Contents.

6.  We then shared our books with our classmates (see below).  We looked at and listened to every student's book and commented on the great writing and illustrations that they made.  We then took these positive comments home with us on a piece of paper.

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