

Friday 26 September 2014

Day 19 - Spanish IV Students Discover “El Arte Espanola” - BHS Foreign Language Department

This post first appeared on the Burlington High Foreign Language Department's Blog

Each year, BHS Spanish IV students complete a unit of study highlighting famous Spanish artists ranging from the 17th-20th centuries.  Some of these artists include El Greco (literally called “The Greek” by Spaniards), Diego de Velázquez, Francisco de Goya, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dalí.  Last week, Mrs. Dacey’s Spanish IV students learned about the elements depicted in El Greco’s famous “El entierro del Conde de Orgaz (The Burial of the Count of Orgaz)” as well as Velázquez’s well known masterpiece titled, “Las meninas (The Maids of Honor)”.  As an informal oral assessment, students were challenged to research Velázquez’s Las meninas and record an overview of their findings in spanish.  In the student sample below, she explains how many people are in the painting, who Velázquez was actually painting, and where you can see traces of light and shadow throughout the painting.  Fortunately, several of our BHS Spanish students are participating in the BHS Spanish Exchange program next semester.  While visiting Spain, they will tour Madrid’s famous Museo de Prado and the Church of San Tomé in Toledo where they will view the two paintings included below.  Next week, students will begin their study of the famous Mexican artists, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
Velázquez – Las meninas
El Greco – El entierro del Conde de Orgaz


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