

Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 8 - We Are Fifth Grade! - Mrs. Lee - Fox Hill Elementary Fifth Grade

This post originally appeared on Mrs. Lee's Blog

     What a great start!  The fifth grade is here and ready to learn.  We are learning about each other, learning new routines, and learning what it takes to be a team player and role model at Fox Hill School.  Last week our students had an outdoor team building activity that aimed to show how we can work together.  We have also created classroom constitutions around four central principles: respect, responsibility, safety, and kindness.  These constitutions are hanging in our classrooms, and posters reinforcing these ideas and rules are all over the school.  Students have discussed their hopes and dreams for this year, and in order to make them come true we all need to do our best and help each other by adhering to these principles of behavior. 
     Of course, we have also jumped right in to our curriculum!  In Math Topic I focuses on place value.The parent letter sent home on Monday explains this in a bit more detail. This year we expand our understanding of place value with decimals, and convert fractions to decimals. 
     My ELA class is busy planting the seeds for future writing in our Writer's Notebooks, and we have also been writing about reading in special Reader's Notebooks.  We are reading Morning Girl by Michael Dorris, and sharing our thinking about the figurative language and characters.
     Social Studies is a subject near and dear to my heart because I love history.  This year we travel through time to learn about the original people of the Americas, European exploration, colonization, the American Revolution, and the beginnings of the United States and its new government.  In every area of study we strive to use the most accurate and reliable sources.  Students will be taught to be thoughtful readers of primary and secondary sources so they may go on to become more independent learners and informed citizens.
     We will have the use of iPads and Chromebooks to make sure students can use technology efficiently and productively.
     I hope you will find this blog an easy way to keep informed about the happenings in fifth grade. You can link to other teacher and district blogs and websites on the left side of this page.
       It has been great meeting with parents.  If you haven't come in for a brief conference and would like to, please let me know and I will call you.  I look forward to working with you this year.  See you at Back To School Night on Tuesday, September 23!


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