

Monday 3 November 2014

Day 44 - November News - Mrs. Lee - Fox Hill Fifth Grade

No school Tuesday, November 4.

November already!  October flew by so quickly!  We accomplished quite a bit this month in all our classes.  Here are some highlights and happenings:

In Math we are finishing Topic 3, multiplication, and will have a test on Wednesday of this week.  Please help your child by providing time at home for review of multiplication facts. Reflex Math is a great way to do this.  Your child was given a username and password at the beginning of the year.
The next topic covers division, so it is crucial that students have a secure grasp on those facts!

In Social Studies students did a great job on the chapter test which covered early European explorers.  We continue this topic in chapter 4 with a look at conquistadors and early settlements in America.  This will include a look at Thanksgiving, a timely topic!  There will also be a project in which students will use their research and note-taking skills to write a book about explorers on an app called Book Creator.  Much of this will be in school, but to be prepared students will write drafts of their book at home. More information will be posted soon on a page of my blog. 

In ELA we are finishing Number the Stars this week.  The children have enjoyed working in cooperative literature circle groups to discuss this wonderful book.  Each child has a turn to be Discussion Director, Summarizer, Word Finder, Connector, and Literary Luminary.  Students check my blog pages to find out which job they have and what their responsibilities are each time we meet for discussion.  As I circulate through the groups I have been impressed with most students' preparedness, as well as the level of conversation. We still have some work to do on identifying themes, but they are using the strategies of visualization and making inferences, as well as noting figurative language. There will be a final assessment on Friday, Nov. 7.

 Also in ELA we are continuing grammar lessons and writing workshop. Halloween gave us an opportunity to stretch our creativity and build writing stamina.  Students wrote "round robin" style, continuing another's story until each of the five-member group had a chance to contribute to every story.  Classical music enhanced the experience, and we enjoyed reading the stories on Friday.

Speaking of Halloween, we have to thank Mrs. Fine and Mrs. Russo for helping us with our pumpkin decoration.  The results were spectacular and six happy class members went home with a fancy pumpkin to celebrate the holiday with an original piece of pumpkin art!
Elmo, AKA Mr. Shannon, lends a hand!



Thanks to Quinn M. for these awesome pumpkin pics!

Finally, our student council has begun, and students are tacking some terrific projects.  UNICEF boxes went home last week, and we encouraged children to collect money while Trick-or-Treating. Send in the boxes any time this week. Our students are also working on a fifth grade newsletter, and study buddies, among other ideas.  Congratulations to Sophie Z., our class representative for room 13.  I am also proud of all our candidates who took the challenge and ran for this important position: Halle O., Sean C., and Ricky S.  They are all great role models who show what it means to "Be the One."


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