

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 77 - Digital Citizenship Lessons - Rings of Responsibility - Michelle Ardizzoni - Pine Glen IT Specialist

This post first appeared on the Pine Glen Library and Technology Blog

To begin the new year, our fourth grade students have been learning about being both responsible citizens within communities as well as responsible digital citizens using technology. During the lesson, students were called upon to examine and reflect on their responsibilities in both areas of citizenship.   The essential question guiding this lesson was"What kinds of responsibilities does a citizen and a digital citizen have for themselves, toward their family and friends, and toward their community?"  In these pictures, students were each given one statement on a post-it note, such as "I do not share my passwords.".  They needed to decide and discuss with a partner, where the level of responsibility of this action would be - self, family and friends, or a larger community. Students also considered how the outcomes of these scenarios could impact others.  The lesson was adapted from Common Sense Media's lesson, "Rings of Responsibility".

Their website can be found at:  Common Sense Media Education.


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