

Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 87 - Chick Show With Ms. Pavlicek - Ms. Farmer - Francis Wyman First Grade

This post first appeared on Ms. Farmer's Blog

Ms. P came in today for her annual Chick Show.  The show comes before we get an incubator with eggs in our classroom! The show began with Mrs. Ski's reading class doing reader's theater on how to care for chicks:

Then Ms. P began her show on the chicks:

Ms. P asks the age old question, "Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Introducing "The one, the only...chicken egg!" (the star of the show).
Ms. P demonstrates how strong an egg actually is by having a student and a teacher try to break the shell by squeezing them with their hands. The shape of the eggshell protects the egg from breaking when we squeeze it. That's why we have to crack it on it's side

Next, Ms. P used models to show the different sizes of eggs (from hummingbird to elephant egg).

Here is a crane egg with spots to help camouflage the egg from predators. 

Ms P. then showed us the parts of the egg. 
We did a chicken dance for a movement break. 
We discussed the difference between fertilized and non-fertilized egg. 

Then a first-grader acted as a mother hen and laid a nest full of eggs.

She pretended to lay on the eggs for 21 days to keep the eggs warm.
We learned about the inside of the incubator and how it works.
We talked about the comb and waddle on the chickens right before...
We met the Rhode Island Ren hen and...

Mr. Rooster!

It was a great show and we learned a lot about chick development and how to take care of our chicks once they are born!  Thanks Ms. P!


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