

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Day 169 - Student Math Teachers - Mr. Daley - Fox Hill Grade 4

This post originally appeared on Mr. Daley's Blog

This year in Room 20, I provided students with an opportunity to teach a math lesson to their classmates. Five students expressed interest by responding to a number of questions and statements, including:
  • Tell me why you deserve this opportunity.
  • What have you done in Room 20, at Fox Hill, and at home this year to demonstrate your academic, social, and emotional growth?
  • What are some ways you have been the “1” this year?
  • What strategies would you use to maintain a quiet, organized classroom while conducting your lesson?

Earlier this year, Jackie B. and Mikey W. conducted a lesson on "multiples" as part of our fractions unit. This past week, Daniel C., Sades M., and Sam P. taught a "units of time" lesson as part of our measurements unit.

I was extremely please with each student teacher's preparation and delivery of his and her lesson. All teachers exhibited sound content knowledge and showed great classroom management skills. In both lessons, every one of their students was an active, energized participant during the lessons. Kudos to Jackie, Mikey, Daniel, Sades, Sam, and their Room 20 students for an informative, entertaining, hard-working two hours of instruction and learning!

Here are some photos of "Student Math Teachers In Action!"


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