Today we began journal writing! It can be fun, challenging and little bit scary. We did great!
Mrs. Parnell took some time to explain that when we write our letters have meaning and then she showed us some examples of what her writing might have looked like when she was a little girl.
We conferred with a classmate to discuss what we might like to write about.
No matter what letters and sounds we know we were all encouraged to try out best! We also worked on illustrations to go along with our writing.
After recess we took some time to present our journals to one another. Mrs. Parnell and Mrs. Hoyt were very proud of everyone. Each student shared their journal entry with the class!
Now it is time to set goals for ourselves. Each of our illustrations will match our words. Illustrations will have at least 5 colors and will include details like hands and feet on people. We will try to leave at least two finger spaces between each word we write and we will try our best to write down all the sounds we hear in the words we are trying to write.
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